Heat distribution systems

It's now time to manage heat distribution!
EPA certified wood fireplaces generate a lot of heat. For the most part, they generate too much for the room where they are located. Therefore, you need to manage the excess heat and send it where it is needed. To provide a solution, our research and development laboratory has designed the Heat Management System, an innovative technology that allows the recovery of the heat produced during combustion and redirects it into distribution ducts to heat other areas in your home.
Forced Air Distribution Kit (Heat Distibution System)
This system allows you to manage the heat distribution automatically. Using a wall thermostat, you can select the temperature you want to maintain in the room where the fireplace is located. Once the thermostat is satisfied, the excess heat is redirected to another room up to 50 feet (15m) away from the fireplace using a 300 CFM blower. That way, you can enjoy a nice fire in your living room without the discomfort of excess heat generated by your Valcourt fireplace.
Download the installation instructions for Forced Air Kit (AC01340)
Download the installation instructions for Forced Air Kit (VA4460)
Valcourt offers you another way to distribute excess heat into your home with the help of a gravity kit.
Hot Air Gravity Distibution Kit
The hot air gravity distribution kit allows you to block the upper fireplace louver in order to bring hot air into the same room as the fireplace, in adjacent rooms, or upstairs at a maximum distance of 10' (3 m). The minimum height of the hot air duct must be 68" (1.7m) measured from the floor to the top of the hot air register.
The avaliable kits are AC01309, AC01375, AC01385, AC01389 and VA430006.
Suggested installation: A) Wall thermostat B) 300 CFM blower C) Hot air flexible pipe D) Hot air rigid pipe E) Air register. The information contained in this page is for information purpose only. For a detailed part list of kits content, please refer to the installation instructions or owner's manuals.